A Thousand Acres


This was the second time I read “A Thousand Acres.” So many years had passed since the first time I read it, I didn’t remember many of the details of the story. But as the story enfolded, it all felt very familiar to me.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book, but the story is so sad. The book starts up slowly – the author spends much time building the setting, describing the characters, and does a great job describing the family dynamics. Around the midpoint of the book, everything starts falling apart for the families that are central to the story. It is compelling and heart breaking to see how the family’s carefully crafted façade begins to fall apart as the characters and family ties implode and eventually collapse.

Running Again

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I laced up my new Brooks Ariels and took Gracie out for a run on this beautiful Spring evening.

Gracie and I are in the habit of walking 3 miles a day after walking most every day for the last 3+ years.  I’ve lost a lot of weight and I’m feeling much stronger. Now I’m ready to push myself, work on my cardio vascular fitness and firm up my body. It’s been a long time since I tried to run and tonight’s run was exhilarating!

I’m not particularly interested in running races – most of them are overpriced and crowded and I don’t need or want any more ugly tee shirts. I don’t want to injure myself (or Gracie), so I’m going to take it slow and easy. I have nothing to prove. I just want to run for the joy of running. I want to feel fit and good about myself. Tonight was a good start.

Long Hair

About two years ago, I decided to grow my hair. I wasn’t sure how long I’d let it get but I thought I’d grow it out until I didn’t like it, or I felt it aged me, or I thought it was too hot, or I thought it was just too much of a hassle, or until it just stopped growing. After a while it got to the “too much of a hassle” stage and so I cut off 4 inches of it.

Then, last summer, after reading about the concept of abandoning shampoos altogether, I tried out the “no poo” method of hair care. I didn’t like using the recommended baking soda & vinegar rinse in my hair, and just rinsed and conditioned my hair regularly . I went 3 months without shampooing my hair and it really wasn’t a problem… my hair did not look oily and it didn’t smell bad. But after 3 months my hair started feeling waxy around the roots and on my scalp. So I started using a gentle shampoo again, but now only shampoo my hair about every 7 – 10 days.

Concurrent with my “no poo” experiment I essentially stopped blow drying my hair and using curling irons or hot rollers on my hair. I can count the number of times I’ve used heat on my hair in the last year on one hand.

I’ve discovered that these changes have improved my hair’s condition by:

  • Greatly reducing the fizziness
  • Bringing out some natural body that I never knew existed there – I always thought my hair was super straight and had no body in it.
  • Eliminating split ends

I’m really delighted with my hair. Oh, and it hasn’t been this long since I was 13 years old.

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Out walking Gracie this evening, going the route we’ve walked hundreds of times, and Gracie got attacked by a boxer we’d never seen before.

I tried kicking the dog, yelling at the dog and then I picked up the biggest, heaviest stick I could find to bash him, but lucky for that dog (and for me) he decided to walk away. That dog could have killed Gracie & at one point he made eye contact with me as if to say “You’re next!”

I wasn’t particularly afraid of him, but I felt so helpless and I was afraid he’d hurt my Gracie! Thankfully, Gracie wasn’t hurt, at least I can’t find any wounds on her, but I’m still so upset by this. Next time I’ll be better prepared with pepper spray and a worthy stick and I won’t hesitate to use them if I see that dog again. I’m just glad I didn’t have Milo with me because I’m certain that dog would have killed Milo.

Douglas County Chamber Singers


2014 / 2015 Concert Season

August 19, 2014 @ 7:15 pm – Rehearsals resume for the 2014/2015 Concert Season

September 20, 2014 @ 12:30 pm – DCCS sings at September Saturdays at the Courthouse

November 23, 2014 – Messiah Sing-A-Long CANCELLED

December 12th – Christmas Concert

March 20, 2015 – Spring Concert


Biking in & around Douglas County, GA: The Silver Comet Trail


Biking on the Silver Comet Trail is a wonderful way to spend the day with family or friends. 

Starting in Smyrna, GA, the Silver Comet Trail spans over 60 miles, running through Cobb, Paulding and Polk counties.  By the end of summer 2008, the Silver Comet Trail will connect to the Chief Ladiga Trail at the Georgia/Alabama state line, extending the trail another 100 miles and terminating in Anniston, Alabama. 

The Silver Comet Trail is a great place to ride, walk or jog.  The paved, mostly flat trail, spans some beautiful and scenic vistas and you can ride as far as you want without having to worry about cars.  (The picture above is looking West from the Hiram, GA trail head)

Continue reading Biking in & around Douglas County, GA: The Silver Comet Trail

Prayers for a NeedleNerd

Sandra E’s house burned to the ground yesterday morning. The fire occurred around 9:30 am and Sandra and her two sons were NOT home at the time. The family lost everything, including Sandra’s much loved cats (4) and dogs (2) which she had kept in the house yesterday due to the extremely cold temperatures. Fortunately, Sandra and her sons are fine and were not physically injured.

I spoke to Sandra this morning and she told me that they are staying at the Hampton Inn for the next couple of weeks. Sandra told me that the fire investigators were not sure about the cause of the fire and will conduct a more thorough investigation next week, but their initial findings indicate some kind of electrical fault that started the fire in the basement of the home. Yesterday’s freezing temperatures and windy conditions accelerated the fire and made it very challenging for the firemen who arrived en masse (5 fire trucks) to try to put it out. Unfortunately, all their efforts were thwarted and the home and all its contents were consumed. (One of her neighbors called her at work when the fire was first discovered and she went home immediately).

Sandra’s youngest son attends New Manchester High School, so Sandra is looking for a suitable rental property (apartment, duplex, house) that is within that school district where they can live while their home is being rebuilt (about 6 months). If you are aware of an available property in that school district, please let me know and I’ll pass the information along to her (she is not on Facebook).

Fortunately, they are well insured and the insurance company is being very responsive to their immediate needs. Sandra’s employer, her neighbors and church family have also been very caring and supportive.

I emailed Sandra’s contact information to the NeedleNerds email list, so check your email for that information. If you aren’t on my email list let me know and I’ll provide that information to you privately.