My mom was an artist and sold most of her paintings. Her specialty was Eskimo portraits. You can click this link to view a gallery of some of her paintings that I’ve created as an album on Flickr (clicking on this link will open up the Flickr album).
Shortly after we moved to Alaska, my mom befriended an Eskimo woman named Mary Walker. She walked up to Mary during the annual Fur Rendezvous festival when many Alaskan natives were out in the streets in all their beautiful parkas, introduced herself, told Mary that she was an artist and would like to paint her portrait. It was the beginning of a warm friendship between my mom and Mary.
My mom painted Mary’s portrait, and over the years she also painted many portraits of Mary’s extended family – Mary shared her family photos with my mother and many of my mom’s paintings were of the people she found in Mary’s old black & white photographs.
My mother died almost 30 years ago from lung cancer. She was cremated and we spread her ashes in Thumb Cove in Resurrection Bay where we had spread my brother Jeffrey’s ashes the year before.
I devote this portion of my website to my mom and to her art in the hopes of keeping her memory alive and also to provide a place for people who knew her and her art to visit and get in touch with her family (me and my sisters Lori and Cindy and brother Don).

My mom sold most of her art, but over time we’ve managed to collect a small group of her paintings. If you or someone you know has some of her paintings, we’d love to hear about it and, if you’re feeling generous, we’d love to get some photos that we can post here. If you have one of her paintings that you’d like to rehome with us, please let me know.
Please leave a comment below or drop me an email and tell me about my mom!
I’m so glad you found me!
More about my Mom: Blog posts about my Mom
My parents still have three of your mother’s paintings on their living room wall. Will send you a photograph if you want one, just email me.
Thanks! I’m glad you found the blog.
I just bought a painting by your mom at an estate sale today.
It’s called “Owl”.
I am an artist who loves collecting other artists work.
I will share here or try to.
It’s easier to Facebook friend me and message me there.
Rene Farkass
Hi Rene! Thanks for letting me know. I would love to get a photo of the painting and learn more about it. My mother did not keep good records of all her paintings and while I remember many of them, I don’t remember all of them. She painted mostly Eskimo portraits but dabbled in some other subjects. I don’t remember an Owls painting.
I am not on Facebook at all – deleted my account there about a year ago. I will contact you by email.
Thanks again ~ Julie
can you please e mail me?
We were neibors on Jelinek Drive, my mother had your mother paint a picture for my dad, I still have it
Hi! My name is Sasha Mirzoyan, and I am an artist and illustrator, originally from Russia, living in the US for the last 13 years. We have been sorting through my wife’s grandmother’s old belongings and collections after she had to move to a retirement home and found a beautiful oil portrait of an Eskimo boy with a husky pup. I flipped the frame and barely made out the letters spelling out the name “Liggett”. Out of curiosity decided to go online and see if I could find the artist. Looks like it was you mom who painted it. I can forward you a picture of the painting to you, if you’d like to see it. My webpage is where you could find my contact info. Feel free to email me, call or text. I am also easily reachable on Instagram @sashamirzoyan_art. Would love to connect and learn more about your mother’s story.
I think my mom was a co-worker with your mom. She always called her Dottie. She has a painting on her wall of a native dancer that I believe you mom did. I can send you a picture if you like.
Hi Julie
I inherited one of your mom’s paintings…”The Needle Threader” dated Sept 1966. Can send you a photo if you’d like.
That would be fantastic! You can email me at [email protected]
Hi. Co-worker and friend of your mom’s. Have an original pencil sketch (totally unlike her paintings) she did to announce an upcoming baby shower for myself and another co-worker. I have treasured it since ’79. Not only because I was one of the honorees but also because she gave of herself and time to create something special and one of a kind. She was a great lady.
Hi Patti,
Thanks for reaching out. I’ve love to get a photo of the pencil sketch. I’ve sent you an email.