World Without End

World Without End

“World Without End” by Ken Follett has been on my reading list ever since it was published (October 2007).  I read Ken Follett’s earlier book, “The Pillars of the Earth,” more than a decade ago and I enjoyed that book too.

I got the electronic version of the book several months ago, and I decided it was time to give it a read.  I started the book last week and am about half way through it.  I expected it to be a good read, but I did not expect it to be such a fabulous read – probably the best book I’ve read in years!  I just wish I knew someone who was reading it too so I could talk about it with someone who is as captivated with the story as I am. 

“World Without End” describes life in medieval Europe.  Reading about how women were treated back then – as chattel property if they were married and as witches if they were independent and free thinking – and about how much power and control the church held over peoples lives makes me appreciate and value my freedoms in today’s society even more.

Book Club, anyone?

Go get the book and read it – I promise you will not be disappointed! Then leave a comment here and let me know what you think of it. . .